1968 Plymouth Satellite
This is a replica of my first car. A 1968 Plymouth Satellite with a 318 engine with automatic transmission, power steering and power assist brakes. Oh yea, and the optional Air Conditioning. It was my mom's car until I wrecked it in a snowstorm in 1975. I was supposed to get the car of my choice for graduating High School. But after I wrecked it, my dad proclaimed it was mine. I drove it (beat it to death) until it died of old age in 1982.
Anyway, there are no Satellite models available. I have a friend who is at expert level in Modeling, and he took a 1968 Roadrunner kit and made the Satellite. He custom made the front hood. Created the vinyl top (his 1st) and did all the chrome in bare-metal-foil and wired up the engine. Up close the paint job is phenomenal. The fist display case I ever purchased was for this model.
My car, not many pictures around anymore. That's my wife from back in High School in the middle.
The kit used to make it.
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In my yard with me, my son and the creator.