Grand Masters' Choice
~ A Collection of Short Stories by Various Authors
Edited by Andre Norton & Ingrid Zierhut
Contains ~
- Vii~ Introduction by Robert Bloch
- 05~ The Long Watch (ss) by Robert A. Heinlein, The American Legion Magazine Dec. (1949)
- 21~ With Folded Hands... [Humanoids] (nv) by Jack Williamson, Astounding Jul. (1947)
- 63~ The Autumn Land (nv) by Clifford D. Simak, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Oct. (1971)
- 85~ A Gun for Dinosaur [Reginald Rivers] (nv) by L. Sprague de Camp, Galaxy Mar. (1956)
- 113~ Lean Times in Lankhmar [Fafhrd & Gray Mouser] (nv) by Fritz Leiber, Fantastic Nov. (1959)
- 149~ The Toads of Grimmerdale (na) by Andre Norton, Flashing Swords! # 2 (1973) Edited by Lin Carter, Published by Dell, PB, # 3123, $0.95, 268pg ~ Also available in the U.K. (Mayflower 1975)
- 195~ Transit of Earth (ss) by Arthur C. Clarke, Playboy Jan. (1971) Omni May (1984)
- 211~ The Last Question (ss) by Isaac Asimov, Science Fiction Quarterly Nov, (1956)
Synopsis ~
Write-up from the front flap of dust jacket ~
Grande Masters' Choice, the Noreascon III book, is edited by Andre Norton, herself one of the Grandmasters, with assistance from Ingrid Zierhut. The stories, chosen by the authors, are either personal favorites, representative of their particular mode of work, or both. The authors, all of whom have been formerly recognized as Grandmasters by their professional colleagues in the Science Fiction Writers of America, represent the top of the field over the past fifty (or more) years. In Addition to the stories, this volume has an introduction by Robert Bloch plus introductions to the individual stories by Andre Norton and Ingrid Zierhut dealing with the careers and the works that the editors consider to be of greatest importance. Just look at this line-up - Robert A. Heinlein, Jack Williamson, Clifford D. Simak, L. Sprague de Camp, Fritz Leiber, Andre Norton, Arthur C. Clarke, and Issac Asimov. One can't do any better.
Write-up from the back of the paperback edition ~
The Best of the Best
Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clark, L. Sprague de Camp, Robert A. Heinlein, Fritz Leiber, Andre Norton, Clifford D. Simak & Jack Williamson
These eight great authors share a unique position in science fiction and fantasy. They are all Grand Masters' of Science Fiction, as lauded by their peers, the members of the Science Fiction Writers of America.
Each Grand Master was asked to name that he or she felt was their finest short work produced during the career that earned this singular honor. The eight stories chosen by the eight Grand Masters comprise the main contents of this book. All the stories are memorable; many are reprinted for the first time in many years.
Also contained are essays about the authors, and an introduction by Robert Bloch. Altogether, Grand Masters’ Choice is a fitting tribute to eight of the greatest writers in the field, entertaining readers with the words they themselves are most proud to have written.
Dedications and Acknowledgements ~
From the Hardcover edition:
I would like to thank the following people for all the help they ‘ve provided in producing this book. Frank Richards and his OCR for scanning the material. The production and typesetting crew were Russell Follansbee, John Francini, Chip Hitchcock, Susan Carson Isaacs, Phil Lohnes, Rick Katze, Jim Mann, Laurie Mann, Tim Parker, Sharon Sharsky, and Mark Trumpler. George Flynn and Anthony R. Lewis were our Master Proofers and copy editors. Final proofing was done by Claire Anderson, Dave Anderson, Elisabeth Carey, Gay Ellen Dennett, Pam Fremon, Russell, Steve Grillo, Susan Hammond, Rick, Alexis Layton, Bill Lehrrnan, Mark Olson, Kelly Persons, Tim Szczesuil, Ian Taylor, and Mark Trumpler. As usual Rick Katze handled all of the contract arrangements. My special thanks to Chip Hitchcock for designing this book at the last minute.
Thanks to you all.
Andy Cowan, Editor
Marlboro, MA
June 4, 1989
From the Paperback edition:
This book was designed by Chip Hitchcock; set in 11-point Goudy Old-style by Andy Cowan at Typo-Tech Reproduction Center, with assistance from Jim Mann,, Sharon Sharsky, and Mark Trumpler; OCR scanned by Frank Richards; proofed by George Flynn and Anthony R. Lewis.
Previously published in a limited edition by The NESFA Press, Boston, 1989, by arrangement with Tor Books.
Bibliography of English Editions ~
- (1989) Published by NESFA Press, HC, 0-915-36842-0, 978-0-915-36842-6, $15.00, 221pg ~ cover by Bob Eggleton ~ Anthology of eight stories by the Grand Masters of the field. This is the Noreascon Three convention book, a limited-edition of 1025 copies. The first 275 are slip-cased, specially bound copies signed by Andre Norton (0-915-36894-3, $35.00) which went out of print at the convention. {Dark Green Cloth Boards}
- (1991) Published by TOR, PB, 0-812-50619-7, 978-0-812-50619-8, $3.99, 355pg ~ cover by Bob Eggleton
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